Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Highly informative tech info

Hey, technology is not just for geeks any more!

Techpodcasts.com's weekly hosts are informative AND entertaining. Of course, I value the contests, but I listen because I know that I learn something new.

eh, btw, I'm also one of the host! Go figure :-)

in reference to: Tech Podcast Network (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Connect to Chris Brogran

One of the top Social Media Knowledge Leaders of the decade.


in reference to: Chris Brogan (chrisbrogan) on Twitter (view on Google Sidewiki)

Insightful Social Media Knowledge Leader

A must have on your reading list.
A must follow for your social network.

in reference to: Chris Brogan (chrisbrogan) on Twitter (view on Google Sidewiki)

Most useful website

The Philadelphia Free Library is one of my top 10 most useful sites.

It is a time saver because one can reserve a book in advance.

Once you have logged into your accoutn, be sure to check out the audio books via OverDrive Media. This will allow you to download a books audio and take it with you. So, you can "read" a book while doing housework, working, walking, etc.

in reference to: Free Library of Philadelphia (view on Google Sidewiki)