Showing posts with label technically speaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technically speaking. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2008

How is technology impacting SEM and the presidential election??....Find out this week during the Technically Speaking Radio Program on 1540 AM WNWR

Richard Collins, founder of the premier Sen. Hillary Clinton website and will discuss the results of the Mississippi primary and how technology is changing the face of politics.

Harry Brooks will discuss topics like SEO, PPC, Link Building, SEM education and many more. Harry regularly engages business consumers in a variety of capacities, including being a regular contributor to Network Solutions Online Marketing Blog and Technically Speaking.

Listen to the broadcast of this program.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

About Technically Speaking Radio

Blasting on WPEB 88.1 FM in West Philadelphia, PA every Tuesday at 7:00 a.m....this blog and radio program is produced by the Technically Speaking Radio show.

Missed the last show? Well, listen via podcast:

When Yahoo!, Symantec, Microsoft, NASA and Bluetooth wanted to have a tête-à-tête, they came to Technically's the radio show that's on EVERYONE'S lips!

Do you have questions about which tool is most useful to you when it comes to technology? Do you need some hand holding and further computer instruction?

Listen to Technically Speaking Radio. Broadcasted in Philadelphia, PA, the City of Brotherly Love Technically Speaking Radio is the community's link to technology!
Technically Speaking Radio with JC Lamkin is a fascinating show. It is a light hearted closer look at how various industries are using the benefits of technology in their businesses and organizations. It encourages individuals to interact with tech industry leaders for a clearer understanding of products and services.

JC Lamkin, the show's host is a certified Novell Administrator (CNA) and a certified Project Manager (PMP) who is actively involved in community development. In Philadelphia, join in on the 2-way talk action as we discuss IT career opportunities, technology, and the community.

Show: Technically Speaking
Host: JC Lamkin, Drivetime Tech Diva
Co-hosts: Ken Houston and Jerome Rogers

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Top Community Leaders Share the Secret of their Success

The Pennsylvania state seal.Image via WikipediaTop Community Leaders Share the Secret of their Success.....this week during the Technically Speaking Radio program on 1540 AM WNWR

Caryn Rivers
Director of Admissions & Grantwriter
Steppingstone Scholars, Inc.

Ann Strickland
"Principles of Prosperity/Breaking the Stronghold of Poverty"

Sharon Wilson, Esquire
Clinical Assistant Professor and
Director, Center for Community Nonprofit Organizations (CCNO)
Temple University Beasley School of Law

Give em a ring, Saturdays 2pm ET (610) 667-9697 (WNWR); toll free (877) 667-9697 (WNWR).
If you are in PA, NJ, or DE you can listen in at 1540 AM WNWR

Otherwise, listen online at

Listen to the broadcast of this program.
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