Sunday, September 14, 2008

Autism and Children's Fears

During our special back-to-school radio program on September 13, 2008, we will speak with the rockstars in medicine and human services to uncover some of the treatments for autism, and anxiety in children.

Uplift from Autism Inc.

Evelyn Hawkins is the President of Uplift from Autism Inc., a corporation dedicated to helping parents with Autistic children. Evelyn experienced many trials and tribulations and even some upsets as a
parent of a child with Autism. Evelyn's dedication to helping her autistic son, Isaiah for the past six years lead to the development of a breakthrough educational system that increased her child's social, motor, and emotional skills.

What Role Does The Media Play In Children's Fears?
From information on hurricanes, terrorist attacks, and the war in Iraq, children are constantly being exposed to frightful and gruesome images on television daily. More and more studies are showing young children are suffering from high anxiety with parents reporting that they wake up from nightmares. Doctors are prescribing medications for these anxieties. Is this an answer? What can parents do if their child is frightened by something they saw on television? What can children do if they are scared? How can parents know the difference between fear and anxiety? Able to discuss this and more is Jason Edwards. Edwards wrote his first book, Will Allen and the Great Monster Detective to help his own daughter deal with painful anxieties. Edwards is also a schoolteacher and has a B.S. degree in psychology. With over 20 years of experience helping children he has seen first hand the toll that anxiety can have on them. He can offer tips for parents and children on dealing with fear. Jason Edwards is a schoolteacher, and has a B.S. degree in psychology. He is also the author of Will Allen and the Great Monster Detective, which he wrote to help children deal with fear and anxiety.
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